Hello guys, new to this site ^^ I usually play Day Z but I started to play Warz for a while ago, a friend of mine uses your hack to Dayz and recommended you guys and said you guys do a good job.

Was just asking, I never used a FPS cheat, the only stuff I´ve used in ways of cheats is Bots on D3 and WoW :P

I am thinking about buying the sub for the Warz hack, but there isn´t any tutorial how to use that hack, so I would be happy if anyone could link me one or just tell me how to use it before I buy it^^

And hopefully it´s awesome and it will be fun using it, just give me some extra information about how to use it and you have another happy fella ingame

btw I don´t know if I am posting in the right section <.< >.> so move this if it´s waaaay out of order