Hello AJ I have been here for four months now and have not really made to many impressions on anyone or introduced myself and I thought it was time to do so!
My name is Matt and I am 17, I have been playing games for 11 years now happily. I have been studying up on in game hacking with C# and C++ and finding out it is a lot of fun with many uses. My first game I really got into and played a lot was Wolfenstein! Loved that game a lot and my first series was the Splinter Cell. I have had many mentors in the past year when it comes to coding. Big Ben helped me learn most of everything I know. My dad taught me everything I know about computers and networking. I am very helpful and love to teach others about anything I can. If you ever need any assistance with something please feel free to PM me! Thanks for the great time so for AJ!!