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Thread: APB hack review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    APB hack review

    i payed for undetected hacks. i was not given that. Link a 7 pg thread of bans most of them from apb anti-cheat system. this is proof
    i've only cam in contact with a mod/gm once.
    and yes no hack is undetectable. but it possible to make a hack undetectable by APB's anti-cheat+PBuster.
    This site have more than enough staff to have 1 of them notice the game update, and pull hack down. They are usually notified about the game update. But they insist, that the hack is undetected. And they know that nothing have been changed.

  2. #2
    APB hack review
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    L 35.9147 L-46.1256
    Your entitled to your own opinion. thanks for your review.. i have to say though your wrong if this was so.... where are the other 600 ++ people behind you? this game is in beta and change things constantly, detections happen and if you feel your not happy there are many other sites to choose. as for your link lets just say 7 pages at 10 bans per page you do the math. sorry you got banned but you know what your doing in a hack site is cheating if you cant handle being banned on a free game that just requires an email address, dont know what to say honestly.... you could go pay more for a hack anywhere on the internet that is your choice to do so.. but don't say i did not warn you before your journey...... and WE the owners of this site would never release a hack knowing nothing has been touched... that is one thing we dont tollerate is BS from anyone from staff to subscribers. all i can say is best of luck to you with whatever you do.

    Everytime we did an update we personally put on our shoutbox at the top that if you would like to test the new update at your own risk please do so.... and we did that every single time. and on the last note when the hack is detected all sales are shut down find another site that does that... and not just tell you after purchase "sorry it is down at the moment" would you like another cheat ?

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